Behind the Scenes Consultants trading as Cars on Screen

Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 13/01/24

Thank you for visiting (the “Website”), owned and operated by Behind the Scenes Consultants Ltd (“we,” “us,” or “our”). This Privacy Policy is designed to inform you about the types of information we may collect from you when you visit our website, how we use and protect that information, and the choices you have concerning our use of such information.

By accessing or using our website, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use our website.

Information We Collect:

(a) Personal Information:

We may collect personally identifiable information, such as your name, email address, phone number, and other similar information when you voluntarily submit it to us through the contact forms or other means.

(b) Non-Personal Information:

We may automatically collect non-personal information about your visit to our website, such as your IP address, browser type, the date and time of your visit, and the pages you viewed.

How We Use Your Information:

We use the information collected to provide and improve our services, respond to your inquiries, and personalize your experience on our website. We may also use your information to send you updates, newsletters, or promotional materials, but you can opt out of such communications at any time.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies:

We may use cookies and other tracking technologies to enhance your experience on our website. You can set your browser to refuse all or some browser cookies, but this may affect the functionality of the Website.

Third-Party Links:

Our website may contain links to third-party websites. We have no control over the content, privacy policies, or practices of these websites and encourage you to review the privacy policies of any third-party sites you visit.


We implement reasonable security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access and disclosure. However, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure.

Children’s Privacy:

Our website is not directed to individuals under the age of 13, and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children. If you are under 13 years old, please do not provide us with any personal information.

Updates to this Privacy Policy:

We may update this Privacy Policy periodically, and any changes will be reflected by the “Last Updated” date at the top of this page.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, please contact us at [email protected]

By using our Website, you consent to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy. We appreciate your trust in us and assure you that we take your privacy seriously.

Behind the Scenes Consultants Ltd trading as Cars on Screen

Registered Company Number – 13467753

VAT Number – GB 413167816

20-22 Wenlock Road


N1 7GU

[email protected]

+44 7802 464 723